Pictures on Right side

December 2023

Total body weight: 206.1 lbs

Body Fat Percentage: 29.2%

Lean Muscle Mass: 84.2lbs

Pictures on left side

December 2022

Total body weight: 296.1lbs

Body Fat Percentage: 49.8%

Lean Muscle Mass: 56.2lbs

Ricardo’s True Transformation

My story begins in mid November, 2022 after leaving the hospital from a panic attack caused by worry and chest pains from my unhealthy lifestyle/depression. During the next few weeks I had a friend tell me how they wanted me to go to the gym with them and workout and that they did not want to attend my funeral since that's the direction I was headed. I had always wanted to be fit, muscular, happier with my looks, but after many years of failed attempts on my own combined with signing up with many different gyms and 3 different trainers. I somehow got myself to go with my friends to the gym, but it didn't go well. Through moments of fate I actually ended up meeting Megan Iverson after a friend suggested at finding a personal trainer/coach.

I weighted around 300 lbs when I had my install consultation with Megan. She asked me what I was looking to change and my goals.. She listened and did not judge me in any way. In a professional and uplifting way she told me that what I said and wanted can be done and gave me hope, about changing my life. She made my goal of going down to 175 lbs her goal. She also keeps mental health in mind since that is an aspect of weight loss that is often overlooked and/or forgotten about. The focus of her goals are based around doing things the right way, the healthy way, the safe way, and never doing anything that would deviate, negate, or undermine any of those 3 pillars. This time something had me actually feeling/and believing that this was going to be the last time I would ever say “I'm going to start my weight lose/ fitness journey and get on track” ever again because Megan strives for it to be a lifestyle with implementing good habits.

December 19th 2022 we began our first session and this ended up being the start of my weight loss journey. I weighed in at 296.1 lbs/49.8 % body fat, and 50-65 lbs of muscle mass. She had me start by performing different types of exercises and movements. She analyzed what I could/couldn't do, and how much I struggled. She took notes while she had me do a body assessment test then solidified a plan of attack with our long and short term goals. This plan included different phases throughout, with the added ability to modify those phases as needed. In addition, she took into account and incorporated nutrition and recovery aspects that are necessary and vital to weight loss as well as educating me along the way.

The first phase was (Structure and Habits) meeting 2 times a week and increased it to 3 times a week and a couple months later we increased it to 4 times a week of focused 1 on 1 time with regular check up meetings. In the beginning I started not not being able to speed walk and talk for about 8 min without being out of breath and gasping for air. I could not lift more than 50/60 lbs of weights, also I could not get up off the ground normally without struggling and turning sideways. I wouldn't wear any clothing that was not 2-3 sizes bigger. I still had some chest pains, and panic attacks. I had aches on my feet and legs while sitting and while standing for long periods of time. I had lower back pain, poor blood circulation issues. Istarted implementing and making lifestyle changes from water intake, nutrition, sleeping, recovery, goal planning, journaling, etc. A month and a half into our sessions I started noticing changes faster than I thought. I had less body aches and pains, my blood circulation improved, my chest pains disappeared, and my panic attacks went away. In addition my mood and self esteem had improved a lot, I was more positive, I wanted to do more things, talk to people more, I was smiling more, and felt happier too. Around the same time I noticed my first muscle gains and definition in my arms, I was ecstatic, and I was able to go down 2 shirt sizes. During the first few months while I was making a lot of improvements, I was dealing with a lot of negative thoughts, doubts, fear of failure and body fears of how bad/ disgusting/bad I felt I looked. Megan has been there to uplift me every single time. In 6 months Megan has even revived my dream of Joining the military and becoming a pilot, and to start bodybuilding and compete to become Mr. Olympia one day. In the meantime she has encouraged me to enter myself in a 5k and started training for that as well. Amazingly fast forward a month and a half later; on August 13th, 2023 I accomplished a feat that I for one never thought I would do and that was to successfully run and finish a 5k because when I first started training for it in mid June I couldn't even run 1 full mile. On top of that I completed it in the set time that Megan had challenged me to run it in.

Megan Iverson, founder and CEO of True Transformation Fitness, saved my life and revived my dreams. She has been transforming me from this unhealthy man that was heading to an early death, to someone who wants to live life, like never before. At this moment of writing this review December 5th 2023 I currently weigh in at 206 lbs/ 29.2 % body fat, and 86 lbs of muscle mass. This journey is not over though, if my body and the new phase stays on track, then by March or April of 2024 we can hit our goal of 175 lbs. After I close that Chapter of my life, we will commence our new journey  where she is going to coach me to start bodybuilding and get to competing status by the end of the year or beginning of 2025. 

Megan is very knowledgeable with the following credentials; (ASCM- CPT, PNC, J3U BBSC (currently pursuing)) She is professional, caring, and loves what she does .Anybody just wanting to be a little healthier, up your game fitness wise a little bit, just want some guidance or advice while you workout, want take fitness seriously, or you need help losing weight because you are scared, desperate, or lost all hope. 

          Megan Iverson from True Transformation Fitness is the trainer you are looking for. This is for anyone young or old, men and women, to anyone that has never worked out in their life, for veteran fitness individuals and athletes. All it takes is 20 mins of your time, one consultation to transform your life/improve your life /save your life.


l am writing to wholeheartedly recommend Megan Iverson as a Personal Trainer. Megan has been instrumental in transforming my life and improving my health in ways l never thought possible.

Under Megan's guidance and expertise, I have lost over 60 pounds in just 8 months. Her personalized training programs, motivational support, and in-depth knowledge of fitness and nutrition have been crucial in helping me achieve my goals.

Not only have I seen a significant physical transformation, but my overall health has improved exponentially thanks to Megan's dedication and commitment to my well-being.

Megan's passion for fitness, her ability to inspire and motivate, and her tailored approach to each client's needs make her an exceptional personal trainer. I have full confidence in

recommending Megan Iverson to anyone seeking a dedicated, results-driven professional to guide them on their fitness journey.

Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information.

Sincerely, Mark W

Here is my info if you have further questions-