Our Services

What we offer

In-person 1 on 1 session

This 50-60 minute session optimizes what will benefit you best. This could include any of the following resistance training, cardio, recovery (PNF stretching, gua sha, foam rolling, stretching), mobility, walking or even talking about habits. In-person sessions will provide assistants with lifts, correcting form if needed, demonstrating exercises, hands-on adjustments and PNF stretching. Megan will work with you to adjust and improve your program based on your bodies adaptation. * This session will occur in clients home/ home gym or apartment complex gym (no public gym).

Single session - $120

*if you opt into recurring monthly training the customized program is included (first month has to be completed).

Platinum Level - Virtual Training

One 1 hour sessions a week

Exercise, Mobility, Preventative Programming & Nutrition plan

Daily Direct text message access

Weekly- $200

One 30 minute session a week

In-app messaging

Exercise AND Nutrition Program

Weekly- $80

Gold Level- Virtual Training

Silver Level - Virtual Training

One 30 minute session a week

In- app messaging

Exercise Program OR Nutrition

Weekly- $40

Customized Training Program

One time purchase customized program specifically created to progress toward your goals based off your needs and abilities.

Single purchase- $250

Online (in-app) Weekly Check-ins

Weekly check-ins include a customized Exercise & Nutrition program as well as weekly check-ins with your coach to review the prior week and making adjustments.

Monthly Price - $100