Why should I train with Megan Iverson?

Megan Iverson is a dedicated researcher of Science, Anatomy & Physiology in order to help her clients reach their goals, strengthening their bodies, live day to day living pain free and healthier. She will dive deeper into clients obstacles so she can figure out what options will lead to a solution.

Certifications include:

  • Certified Personal Trainer through ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine).

  • PN Certified (Precision Nutriton Coach)

  • J3U Level 1


  • When obstacles are out of scope of a Personal Trainers hand Megan will communicate with clients specialists such as (Doctors, Massage Therapist, Chiroprators, OBGYN, Therapists) to figure out a solution to an obstacle the client is facing.

  • In-depth questions are asked to making sure all information is intaked in order to help identify the root of why the client is feeling the way they are and what they can do during that day/week.

  • All certifications are used in unison to give feedback to clients such as Exercises (recovery, strength training, active lifestyle change), Nutrition guidance (this vs. that, macros, Whole Foods, drink options) , lifestyle tips. Not only will you receive feedback & guidance; you will also become more edacated from training with Megan Iverson.